Sunday, April 9, 2017


It's been a while. As you all know, I live in the land of fancy man craft beers so finding non-mainstream cheap beers is a bit of a chore. Luckily, a beer store here has decided to make Charlottesville great again and start selling quality beers like Iron City, Narragansett and today's brew, Hamm's.

Hamm's is brewed in Milwaukee, WI (which is Algonquin for "The Good Land")  so it automatically scores points as it's from the home of Laverne and Shirley. It's probably not as good as Shotz beer from the show but it's a pretty good brew.

Hamm's has a very nice golden brown color when poured out. Not much smell to it which is ok in my opinion. I've never been a big fan of overly pungent beers. Has a little bit of an odor when you drink it straight from the can but it's not super noticeable. It's very smooth when it's drank from a pint glass. No aftertaste at all which is huge. However, it is a little lacking in overall taste. I wouldn't exactly say it's bland but it doesn't jump up at you. I'd describe it as a good sipping beer. On taste, I'd give it 3.5 Al Bundys.

Aesthetically, Hamm's can has most of what I'm looking for. Great design, classy font and cool slogans.  "Born in the land of sky blue waters." Doesn't get much better than that. Their lion logo isn't super original though. Plus the gold and blue color scheme doesn't really work for me. It's not bad but I don't think it goes together very well. Still, it's a very nice can overall. I'll give it 3 Kelly Bundy's for can attractiveness. Just so you all remember, these are out of 5 so a 3 is above average but with a couple of flaws.

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