Thursday, August 15, 2024



    So quite a lot has happened since I last posted. My son is now 7, there was that whole pesky pandemic, Taylor Swift has basically taken over Earth and words like skibbidi toilet, rizz, cap, sus and simp have entered into the common vernacular. And thanks to the aforementioned 7 year old, I sadly understand all of those but to be fair, saying someone is "Ohio bruh" has been fightin' words since the 70's.

Enough of the intro commentary as I'm sure you all get enough of that sort of thing whenever you're looking up how to do something on Youtube. Today's entry comes to us from Colorado. I bought it when I was in Charlotte during my yearly hangout with my high school friends, the cWo. We took a break from our Illuminati like activities of running the world by collapsing banks via encouraging people to buy Bored Ape NFTs, programming AI to take over creating all of our art and thinning the population by encouraging stupid Youtube pranks to pound a bunch of beers. This one caught my eye when we were in Harris Teeter as it was only about $17 for a 30 pack which is genuinely cheap these days. The price was right so I snatched up two 30s.

It's a fairly light colored beer when poured out. Doesn't really have much of a smell which isn't a bad thing. It clocks in at 4.2% ABV which is pretty standard for a light beer. I'd say pretty standard sums up this beer overall. It's very drinkable and has somewhat of a nutty flavor (that could also be because it's been in my fridge for about a month). Slight aftertaste but nothing that would put you off. Overall, Outlaw is a good option if you're looking for something cheap that you can drink on for a few hours while you watch a football game, mow the lawn or whatever. I'll give Outlaw a solid 3.5 Al Bundys.

Onto can attractiveness. Outlaw has a pretty good aethestic. I like how the can has what looks like a relief map of Colorado. The blue and gold color scheme is pretty sharp and I'm a fan of the golden elk on the front and the Outlaw logo on the back which breaks up the can. The only thing I don't really like is that they prominently feature calorie count above the elk. Not really needed. It's a light beer so you don't have to sell me on the fact that it's not 200 calories. It has 105 calories so it's not like it's a super low cal beer anyway so no real reason to have that featured. Otherwise, it's a nice looking can so I'm gonna go 4 Kelly Bundy's.

For more info on Outlaw beer, visit their website

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